Mark Zuckerberg looks like he’s done it again. But this time, I’m not talking about a new interface or “like” button. No, this is beyond that. Instead of just looking at where your friends have been, what if you could go there too? I’m talking about virtual reality.
In 2014, Facebook bought out Oculus VR, a startup which makes virtual reality headsets, to the tune of $2 Billion. As unbelievable as it sounds, you will soon be able to put on a pair of goggles and transport yourself into another place, another time, another world – all without ever leaving the comfort of your home.
According to Chris Cox, Facebook’s Head of Product, people will be able to fly inside the cockpit of a Blue Angel or enjoy the scene from a tent in Mongolia. The applications of this product are endless, from “enjoying a court side seat at a game”, going to class, or visiting your doctor.
But this brilliant idea is still just that: an idea. Cox says the goggles are “a long way away” from hitting the general public and there has been no indication as to the price. But regardless of the price, the goggles will allow people to interact and travel in ways only dreamed about in science fiction novels. And besides, would you rather pay hundreds, maybe thousands, of dollars to check all the traveling off bucket list, or just slip on some goggles?