Help Buying a Computer

Advice on a New Device
There’s a lot of tech devices available for purchase today. Sometimes you know exactly what you want, but other times you have no idea where to start. Confusion can happen no matter what device you’re looking to purchase, but happens most frequently with computers.
We can help. We offer a consultation service to help you choose the exact machine that fits your needs. Using a machine just for internet and email? You probably don’t need the latest generation core i7 CPU, but you should still get an SSD. Not sure what that means? Don’t worry, our staff is trained to go slow and ask questions in plain English. We’ll bridge the gap between your needs and the specs of a new device.
Worried about the cost of a new device plus paying us to help? In most cases, our customers actually save money by enlisting our help. The reason is simple – we can usually help you avoid unnecessary spend on extras you don’t need. Don’t buy a $1200 laptop just because you have the money – invest your hard earned cash intelligently in only the components you need. If you don’t need a super computer – there’s no reason to buy one!