Many people have said (somewhat justifiably) that the newest iPhone is the same thing as the last one, with a new number. In fact, some of the newer iPhones have had LESS features than previous iterations cough cough iPhone 7 audio jack cough.
However, my over-used joke aside, the iPhone 7 was incredibly popular and Apple added it to their tally of successful bold moves. The next bold move is supposed to be the iPhone X.
Forward Progress Must Continue
With Apple releasing two different branches of iPhones at once, people may wonder why? Well it seems that the iPhone 8 might fit into the typical category of iPhones – it’s the new one but it’s not that special. It’s basically a nicer, newer iPhone 7 with a few more added features that probably won’t affect your daily life too much.
However, the iPhone X is to be their next big step up. Among a host of other improvements, it has facial recognition software, which is also the main reason you might need to pre-order the iPhone X if you want to get it soon.
Apparently, Facial Recognition Software Requires Precision
I’ve already written a little bit about how Samsung is providing Apple with some components, including the new iPhones OLED screens – which are very expensive and tough to make. However, Samsung is able to handle the anticipated demand for the new iPhone. They’re doing just fine.
It’s the Facial Recognition bit that has production slowing. It makes sense, given that this truly is a huge step forward. According to PC Mag, Apple may have had to lower their facial recognition accuracy to make it easier to produce enough iPhones on time. That means if you want your iPhone X soon, you probably need to pre-order it!
Apple Has Denied This
Apple has made a statement about their facial recognition software, saying that they are not compromising its quality and that they fully expect it to become the new “gold standard” in facial recognition technology.
Obviously, they don’t want to admit if they are providing a sub-optimal product, but it is hard to expect the first iPhone to come with this technology to have it perfect. Just look at how far we’ve come when viewing the iPhone 3 to the iPhone 5, and then from the iPhone 5 to the iPhone 7.
I was just saying how the new iPhone is often just like the old one with some new shine on it, but those subtle changes do ramp up quite quickly. Therefore, it is reasonable to think that in a few years we might look at the iPhone X’s facial recognition capabilities as buggy and imperfect when compared to the iPhone XII, or whatever we’re calling it then.